International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine
Académie Internationale de Médecine Aéronautique et Spatiale
Associate Membership
Persons with appropriate and sufficient qualifications in aviation and/or space medicine as outlined above, with the exception that only five years of practice as defined above is required, may apply to the Academy for admission as Associate Members.
They shall be accepted for a period of no longer than ten years.
On achieving 10 years of practice in aviation and/or space medicine, an Associate Member must request consideration from the Council for its recommendation that he/she become a Full Member. The Associate Members must present evidence of continuing practice in the field of aviation and/or space medicine or related fields. The Council may immediately grant Membership status or refer the application to the Chancellor for review by the Selectors Committee.
Associate Members do not have voting privileges in the Academy, nor may they hold elected office.
The number of Associate Members at any one time shall be restricted to 50.