International Academy of Aviation and Space Medicine
Académie Internationale de Médecine Aéronautique et Spatiale
The Academy shall pursue its objectives through, but not limited to, the following means:
- Sponsoring and/or organizing conferences, meetings, congresses or study groups.
- Presenting an international consensus on aviation and space medicine topics and issues to any requesting organization or the public.
- Establishing commissions, committees, and information services.
- Publishing materials of international interest in aviation and space medicine.
The Academy meets in full session (General Assembly) twice a year, usually May (in conjunction with the Aerospace Medical Association scientific meeting), and September or October when it sponsors an annual International Congress of Aviation and Space Medicine. These Congresses have been held in Australia, Belgium, Brazil, Canada, Chile, Croatia, Czech Republic, Egypt, England, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, The Netherlands, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Mexico, Norway, Philippines, Portugal, Romania, Singapore, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, and Yugoslavia. One of the highlights of each International Congress is the "André Allard Memorial Lecture". The late Dr. André Allard was a founding member of the Academy, the Secretary General from 1959 to 1970 and President of the Academy from 1971 to1973. He was a very distinguished pioneer in aviation medicine.
The Academy is a non-profit organization funded by dues and donations both from Members and other entities in recognition of its activities. The Academy sponsors a Scholarship for young scholars pursuing a career in aviation or space medicine. The International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO) recognizes the Academy as an International Non-Government Association and Academicians often advise Governments and Aerospace Medicine Organizations by means of publications and personal presentations. ICAO awarded the Academy the very prestigious Edward Warner Award. In addition, Silvio Finkelstein, M.D., a Past President of the Academy, also received the Warner Award from ICAO.